How to play mp4 on mac from internet explorer
How to play mp4 on mac from internet explorer

how to play mp4 on mac from internet explorer

There are a boatload of different applications and programs designed for the Windows Operating System that is capable of converting MP4 files into MP3 files. Converting an MP3 file into an MP4 file doesn’t go as smoothly, however, as it is not generally possible to add a video to an audio file and turn it into an MP4 file. That being the case, an MP4 file can be converted into an MP3 file by simply stripping away its video contents. The MP4 file format contains both video and audio, whereas the MP3 file format only contains audio. Windows Media PlayerĬonversion between the two formats works in a pretty simple manner. In addition, both the MP4 file format and the MP3 file format are quite similar when it comes to their properties, with the only major difference between the two is the fact that the MP4 format is for video and the MP3 format is for audio.

how to play mp4 on mac from internet explorer

Both the MP4 and MP3 file formats have the same lineage – they both come from the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) format of file compression. MP4 files are used to store and view the video, whereas MP3 files are used to store and view audio.

How to play mp4 on mac from internet explorer